OBGYN visits for early detection

OBGYN visits for early detection

Reasons To Visit Your Gynecologist If You're Over 40

by Dwight Frazier

If you're in your 40s, it's important now more than ever to have regular doctor checkups. As your age increases, so does your risk for certain types of diseases and cancers. Having annual gynecologic visits, along with seeing your family practitioner routinely can cut your risks of getting sick. Here are just a few reasons as to why you should visit your OB/GYN on a regular basis if you're aged 40 or over.

Routine Mammogram

Having a breast exam at least once a year is a good idea because it helps to detect early signs of cancer and other diseases of the breast. A swollen lymph node or change in tissue can easily be spotted by a gynecologist or medical professional. Early detection can help save your life. Changes in the size or texture of your breast should be reported to your doctor. Unless your gynecologist detects an abnormality during the breast exam, a mammogram is recommended starting at aged 45, according to the American Cancer Society.

Annual Pap Smear

Hormone levels fluctuate when you reach your 40s, and your body experiences a lot of changes. This can place you at a higher risk for certain types of cancers including:

  • Cervical
  • Ovarian
  • Breast
  • Uterine

If left undetected, these cancers can be difficult to treat and may often spread to nearby or distant organs. Changes in the cells within your uterine wall and cervix can be detected with a pap smear. It's recommended that all women of childbearing age and older have one done annually. Detecting any changes early on in cells that may be precancerous or cancerous can save your life.

Ovarian Cancer Testing

Ovarian cancer is a cancer that originates in your ovaries. It may also be fatal. The reason why it can be so deadly is because your ovaries lie deep within your abdomen. This makes it harder to feel a mass during an exam. Many times it goes undetected until it is in its later stages. Symptoms of ovarian cancer are also subtle and often mask other common health issues, such as:

  • Feeling full quickly
  • Heartburn or difficulty digesting foods
  • Constipation
  • Stomach cramping or pain
  • Large belly or swollen abdomen
  • Sudden or rapid weight loss

If you have any of these symptoms, ask your doctor about a complete exam that includes Imaging—to  closely examine the ovaries and the surrounding area.

Changes In Monthly Cycle

If you've been noticing any type of change in your monthly cycle, it's time to bring it up with your OB/GYN. A loss of your menstrual cycle or an increase in flow can be signs of something underlying that needs to be addressed. Changes could mean that you're beginning the early stages of menopause. In this case, your doctor can perform a physical exam as well as run other tests that can test your hormone levels. From there, your gynecological team can monitor you and make the right adjustments to your medical care.

If you're over 40, make sure that you add your gynecologist to your annual doctor visit. Set up an appointment with someone like http://www.centraliowaobgyn.com that could impact your health and your future. 


About Me

OBGYN visits for early detection

When was the last time you went to your OBGYN for an exam? I skipped two of my bi-yearly exams because I didn't feel that they were necessary. When I began experiencing extreme cramping in my lower stomach, I knew that something was wrong. I went to the emergency room and found that I had cervical cancer. Since I skipped those important exams, the cancer had progressed significantly. So, why should you go to your OB when you don't feel sick, uncomfortable or have any health issues? My blog will show you exactly what early detection can do when you have cancer.