FAQs About Gynecological Minimally Invasive Surgery
What is minimally invasive surgery and how do gynecologists use this type of technique? From diagnostic imagery to treatments for fibroids and endometriosis, minimally invasive procedures have benefits over traditional (or open) surgeries. Before you select one surgical option, take a look at what you need to know about your choices. What Does Minimally Invasive Mean? A minimally invasive procedure is exactly what the name implies. This type of surgery uses less invasive types of techniques.
Health Care While Pregnant
Staying healthy should be one of the main goals for a patient during the length of their pregnancy, as it is vital for the growing baby. However, sometimes no matter how healthy an expectant person is when it comes to diet and exercise, problems can arise that put the pregnancy at risk. The problems don't necessarily have to be related to someone's health, as it can stem from working too much or stress as well.
3 Often-Overlooked Symptoms You Should Tell Your Gynecologist About
Gynecologists are professionals in the field of reproductive health. In order to provide the best care for their patients, they rely not only on testing but also on the reporting of symptoms directly by their patients. Unfortunately, many patients do not realize that certain symptoms are things they should report or tell their gynecologist about. If you have noticed any of these symptoms, alert your gynecologist. Missed Periods If you've missed a period, you may be worried that you are pregnant, but then move on quickly if you find out that's not the case.
Reasons To Visit Your Gynecologist If You're Over 40
If you're in your 40s, it's important now more than ever to have regular doctor checkups. As your age increases, so does your risk for certain types of diseases and cancers. Having annual gynecologic visits, along with seeing your family practitioner routinely can cut your risks of getting sick. Here are just a few reasons as to why you should visit your OB/GYN on a regular basis if you're aged 40 or over.
Over Forty and Done with Your Period: Why You Still Need to See a Gynecologist for Your Healthcare Needs
As women get older, they have different needs that will need to be met by a variety of doctors. Screening becomes more important, especially when problems have been discovered in the past. If you are a woman who is no longer getting a period, it's still important to meet with a gynecologist for routine screenings to ensure that your health is being protected. While you may not need a yearly pelvic exam and pap smear, it is recommended that you have one at least every three years, even if you are no longer in your child-bearing years.